True Miracles with Genealogy
Compiled by Anne Bradshaw
Inspiring stories from genealogy researchers who get unexpected help from beyond the veil

Anne Bradshaw and True Miracles with Genealogy on Tia Smith's Thinning of the Veil podcast. This is the YouTube Video version. Audio-only versions also available.

Review from Tessa Lloyd
"It was a truly inspired idea to compile these 'goose bump' moments in genealogy research when you realize you are not alone and there is a bigger force at work helping your efforts. This book inspires me to keep the faith, try harder to find those elusive lines, and never give up! Can't wait for Volume II, hopefully, I'll be able to add a similar experience of mine. So worth the read!"
Review from Genbug
"So very inspiring and opens the mind, heart and spirit to so many possibilities. I read this book at a very tragic time in our lives. This book did open my mind, let me see things in a whole different light. A book of hope, a book of life beyond the grave." ~ Genbug
Review from Lee Lane
"I love history and in reading Anne Bradshaw's book True Miracles with Genealogy ~ Help From Beyond the Veil I was not disappointed with the historical aspects of the genealogical work in these stories. But more than that, I have always loved stories about interactions between the living and the dead. I had always heard little snippets of such stories in church about how relatives and even friends beyond the veil had helped in gathering their information. Anne's book provides a veritable feast of such stories, so I quickly devoured it. Imagine my delight when I found out there was a Volume II! If you love genealogy, if you feel stuck in your genealogy work, or if you, like me, simply enjoy true stories of interactions between the living and dead, then this book is definitely for you. Even if you only have a passing interest in genealogy you will find this book enjoyable reading because it is well written and compiled. I think Anne Bradshaw did an excellent job in the selections that she chose for this work."
Volume Two of True Miracles with Genealogy won a first-place non-fiction Global eBook Award.
Review from Holly T. Hansen, President of Family History Expos, Inc.
"Family history research is definitely a fascinating experience with the unexpected miracle happening more frequently than one might expect. Each story will engage you to press forward with your own research desires. Congratulations Anne on successfully creating another brilliant compilation of True Miracles."
Review from Maurine Proctor, Co-Founder, and Editor-in-Chief of Meridian Magazine
"Strange and wondrous things happen in the pursuit of family history. Events more than coincidental bring information to your hands as those beyond the veil reach out with yearning, wanting to be found. Anne Bradshaw has collected fascinating first-person accounts of such miracles in a volume that both motivates and delights those who want to be on a genealogical journey."
Some Reviews of Volume One
Some Reviews of Volume Two
Review from Laurie L.C. Lewis
"...True Miracles With Genealogy Volume Two is guaranteed to touch any reader deeply. But for those who've desired to seek out their ancestors, and particularly for LDS readers, this book is a master class on Family History that will inspire, motivate, and provide dozens of new research ideas from people who've successfully applied them with marvelous results. One of greatest gifts this book brings to readers is the way it testifies to the existence and nearness of our deceased family members. . ."

Dingo : Review from Emma
"From the very first page Dingo had my attention. It is a cleverly written novel that will captivate all ages. The creativity and the idea behind the book, are so unusual and new, that I found myself excited about what was coming next. Anne Bradshaw did a fantastic job of creating realistic characters and situations. I thoroughly enjoyed Dingo, and I would heartily recommend it."
Please no Zits : Review from Heather B. Moore, Author of the Out of Jerusalem series.
"Without being preachy or hitting you over the head with moral advice, "Please, No Zits" is a great read for teens and adults alike. The stories are inspiring and true to life. I love the frank way that the author approaches difficult topics like a non-member boyfriend, a non-supportive father, and coming back from drug-addiction. You'll find lots of humor, some sadness, and plenty of inspiration." ~
Anne also contributed a story to Parables for Today, compiled by Kenny Kemp with David Farland and Marilyn Brown